Monday, July 30, 2007

An Actual New Post

Well, now that summer school is over, grades are in, etc. I can get back to what I started, oh, two weeks ago! I have been busy-busy and even a little crafty-busy (see below). First is the kinda floppy 'crown' I made for Anne Paige out of a recycled sweater. Well, she seems to like it (though wearing wool-sweater creations - even regal headwear - in 90 degree heat does seem a bit extreme, even for a 'princess').

Anyway, I finally completed a long-promised project for the above big girl: the "twirly top" from Vickie Howell's book (Guide to Knitting What Kids Really Want) and indeed, this knitted tank with streamers does twirl nicely:

I've worked up a small felted 'bowl' (husband says "hat for squirrel") and am stymied about 'big sweater project' (I vowed to make sweaters for both girls for this winter). Will post pics and details about this soon. Now for obligatory baby photos (have baby, must distribute pictures...).

Baby smiles, though they occur often in the wild, are difficult to capture ... these mercurial creatures aren't often caught on film (hence blurry smile in pic #2).

And this specimen is indeed a rarity! She sleeps at last (and, yes, she is sucking on the 'ear' of a Pooh Bear bib). If only it worked at night!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

See, I'm a Good Mom

I have two kids (one is 4 the other is 5 months), a husband and a job which means that most days, at any point in the afternoon, I could probably just lie down where I'm standing and take a nap. Even on tile.

First Hello

Hi folks,

First, let me explain my blog title. Cnyttan is Old English for 'to tie' which, over time, became modern day 'to knit'. The 'C' at the beginning was originally pronounced - as were the now-silent first letters of words like "knight", "write" and "gnaw". Pronunications change yet spelling doesn't (which can make for a pretty screwed up spelling system).

So, I'm slightly geeky, I teach linguistics, I'm interested in knitting and I apparently feel compelled to share a little of me with you. Thanks for reading.