Monday, November 26, 2007

Worst Blogger

It's been (another) two months and I am just now adding a new post. Oh dear. Maybe next year will be better (ha ha ha ha).
This is what I've managed lately:

It's a sheep. Scarf. A sheep scarf. It still needs blocking so it does not so much resemble a recently-fed python with the bulge in the middle. I'm not sure who the lucky sheep-scarf-recipient will be...

New sofas, in addition to making a nice background for the sheep scarf photo shoot, inspired me to frankenstein our living room curtains. I added a cotton border to our green linen curtains and made matching pillows for abovementioned sofas. Check it out.

And so, "It's Alive!" though not perfect, not 'professional', but still I am pretty pleased with my efforts here.

Other new things? Here are two potential Christmas card pictures:

Why are these shots so weird? Perhaps it's the fact that my subects won't sit still (at least not at the same time). At least these aren't blurry and they were taken before melee - which did indeed include some crying - ensued...

Santa, however, will stand still

and look cherry-cheeked for the camera.