Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fun with Santa

The holidays approacheth and we thought it would be fun to do some kid-stuff to get ready for X-mas. So we went to this Art With Santa thing where the kiddies could make ornaments and sit on Santa's lap, etc. This is AP before we mentioned sitting on Santa's lap:

This is AP after we mentioned sitting on Santa's lap:

So let's see if the baby will do it...

Oh, wait... She'll be ok for just a sec-

Oh, no she won't.

Dang. So much for Santa.

Back at the ranch, we have all kids of goings-on in anticipation (if that's the word) for the arrival of in-laws and other husband-related family.
We have a festive (though fuzzy in this photo) house.

In which I have been busy making stuff to freeze for The Visit.

Trust me, it tastes a lot better than it looks in that pic.
Sometimes, what really bothers me is how much I have been... well... domesticated. I'm sure my Former Self would be aghast.

At least I'm not the only one who's been tamed. Witness:

The baby charmer using his skills to lull the little one to sleep.
Speaking of skills, I have knitted material. (Knitting, by the way, is a pastime that would surely cause my FS to riot dramatically.) Interestingly, I can also make someone hold up my knitting for viewing. As a demonstration, I present the following:

a) I love how he's holding it like it's a used kleenex and b) no, I don't know what this is supposed to be, so don't ask. The yarn was so pretty and soft and I just went at it with no plan and ended up with a 6" by 18" strip, which of course becomes an 18" tube when left to its own devices. An 18" tube. Too short for a scarf. Too skinny to be folded in half to make some sort of bag. It can be felted... Of course then I'd have a 4" x 10" rectangle. Which would make a nice... Barbie mattress? Pot holder? A knitted trivet perhaps? God knows there aren't enough of those.

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